risc website admin section
Here be dragons 🐲😱

current features

Use the menu above to access the following features...

Admin Pages Create/edit the static content of pages on the site including instructions on how to upload images.
Admin Events Create/edit events that appear in dynamic events lists and disappear once the event has happened.
Admin Rooms View submissions to the room hire enquiries/booking forms. This is primarily a backup incase the regular emails containing submission details fail.

future features

To be developed maybe/never...

Image file paths Easier insertion of image file paths into page content.
Opening hours Ability to edit content of opening hours widgets.
Homepage banners Turn on/off hopemage banners and edit text for RIF/FF anual events etc.
Clone feature Ability to clone and existing page/event to create a copy.
Easier carousel editing Automated form for editing carousel content rather than having to directly edit text files.