RISC has worked in partnership with Reading ITT tutors for over ten years. Within the BA (QTS) Primary Education RISC works with tutors to support the embedding of Global Citizenship within their courses. Art, English, Music and Maths specialisms all include a focus on Global Citizenship, with RISC delivering sessions to first and second year undergraduates.
On the Primary PGCE course RISC has delivered 3 Global Citizenship sessions for all Primary PGCE students: an introductory day followed up with feedback and discussion of cross-curricular project planning, a subject focused activity day, and a half day on strategies for evaluation.
A Global Citizenship lead lecture is now an established feature of the Secondary PGCE Professional Studies course for all trainees. Tutors are working with RISC to build on this and embed Global Citizenship in the Science, Art & Design, Music and English subject specialisms. In addition, RISC offers a small number of two-week placements to trainees who have successfully completed their standards in the summer term – we encourage trainees from all specialisms to apply. RISC also provides Global Citizenship training for Early Years specialists, and for trainees on a range of routes into teaching, including School Direct Training.
RISC’s partnership with OUDE was first established in 2002. Global Citizenship training takes place annually for all the OUDE Science and Geography PGCE trainees. Issues are initially introduced by tutors who accompany trainees on a day of workshops at RISC focusing on how to embed Global Citizenship in secondary Science and Geography. Further follow up takes place at OUDE in the weeks following this intensive input.
RISC has delivered Global Citizenship training for Oxford Brookes tutors and students since our partnership began in 2003. In the first year of their BA Primary Teacher Education course, the importance of Global Citizenship is established, through introductory sessions at the University. A curriculum-focused day at RISC takes place in the next term and is followed up at the university. Students develop their understanding of Global Citizenship in their second and third years, with RISC providing further input and support.